10 Reasons To Use Our Services

1. Confidential Assessment and Engagement

Each project undertaken by Hospitality Analysts is covered by a detailed Confidentiality Agreement and an Engagement term of 2 years is sought to allow adequate time to meet the agreed targets.


2. Reporting tailored to meet client requirements

The reporting package for each program can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of the client and their Managers and Accountants/Advisers


3. Individual solutions for menu engineering results

The solutions offered for each Menu Item will be based on the specific operational requirements and product offering for each loaction. We do not offer a "one size fits all" approach


4. Dedicated, professional analyst assigned to your business

The Analyst assigned to your business will have as a minimum 10 years operational experience in the Hospitality Industry. The Analyst will use their sphere of reference to assist your business


5. Any scale of business can be analysed

The programs offered by Hospitality Analysts are designed to meet the exacting needs of any Hospitality based business that offers Food & Beverage.


6. Affordable payments, fully funded by revenue, cost & value improvements

Each of the 3 programs offered are fully funded by the improvements in your profitability & value, by a factor of $1 invested in the Menu mbers programs aims to deliver a $ 6 improvement, which is the equivalent to a 500% return on your investment! With a 100% money back guarantee if the targeted results are not achieved. Refer Point 9 below.


7. Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly detailed onsite update of reporting and graphs

A key aspect of the value of the Menu mbers programs is the frequency of the onsite meetings and the weekly communication to ensure the benefits outlined for each Menu Item are being implemented, monitored to assess their performance and fine tuned to ensure the ongoing success of the item.


8. Peace of mind by targeting Tax Office Key Performance Benchmarks

The Australian Taxation Office has published a series of Benchmarks for selected Hospitality based businesses, being a registered BAS Agent we can help clients to understand their obligations


9. Business Value & Profit Improvement Target result is guaranteed or our services are FREE !

Hospitality Analysts Guarantee the performance of its programs. If a client implements the changes recommended and meets their financial obligations to us, if we fail to reach the targets, we will REFUND the fees paid to us, essentially we take the risk that your business cannot improve. The contract offered by Hospitality Analysts clearly sets out the undertakings by both parties. 


10. Exclusivity of use of the Menu mbers programs in your area

The programs offered by Hospitality Analysts work best when we can improve your market share and improve your product offering. We need your business to improve at the expense of your competitors, so we offer to work EXCLUSIVELY with each unique business type in each area.



Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to set up the program?

Depending upon which program your business selects to implement, the time frame will be between 3 weeks and 6 weeks. We take the time to understand your business and it's operation, the more accessable the information, the quicker we can have the programs operating


How soon can I expect to see my profits improve?

In some instances the results will be immediate upon implementation of the Menu Engineering findings. The profit strategies will build month on month and the agreed targets will be monitored to assess the ability to achieve. The management and staff of the business will need to "buy in" to the strategies to take ownership of the success of the programs.


My business is going well, why should I change?

The Menu mbers programs are very comprehensive and look at the immediate and long term profit and business value improvements. The risk that Hospitality Analysts cannot improve your business to the agreed levels is taken by us
The No Improvement - No Fee Guarantee is our undertaking that we can achieve, or its FREE.


I do not use a Point of Sale System for my business, can Menu mbers still work for me?

This will make it difficult to accurately assess the sales impact on your business from the implementation of the strategies developed. The overall profitability will be the key factor we would need to focus upon. We would recommend implementing a system to manually or electronically track the individual menu item sales.


My Point of Sale System already has a menu function and can produce a range of graphs

Whilst there are a number of POS systems that have menu and graph options, they do not have the same functionality as Menu mbers. Menu mbers perform the analysis and instills discipline by scheduled fortnightly, monthly or quarterly meetings. Maintenance of the Menu mbers system is undertaken by us requiring minimal input from the owner. The value of the system offered by Menu mbers is less work for the owners allowing more time for business management & development or personal time.


What additional software will I need to instal to run the Menu mbers programs?

The core graphs and reporting are are excel based, which is a standard Microsoft office product. No additional software is required. Graphs and reports can be sent to clients as a PDF which is a free software.


How good are the Analysts working for Hospitality Analysts?

Each Analyst has a minimum of 10 years practical operational experience in the Hospitality Industry. The programs developed by Hospitality Analysts have all been extensively tested and implemented across a number of businesses. The solutions provided are specific to your menu and location, which will require a period of monitoring, fine tuning and constant analysis


What qualifications does Hospitality Analysts have?

We are Registered BAS Agents approved by the Tax Practitioners Board. The Chief Analyst has over 30 years accounting and operational experience in the Hospitality Industry.


What backup is offered to ensure the program is setup and operates as promised?

Each client will have a dedicated Analyst assigned to their business as well as the Chief Analyst will oversee the setup phase. The Chief Analyst will participate in onsite meetings. At any time a client needs to discuss the performance of Hospitality Analysts, the Chief Analyst will be responsible to respond.


Can my Bookkeeper or Accountant use the programs?

No problem, however, in the interest of being cost efficient, we will load the data and prepare the analysis, so you should avoid duplicate fee charges. Of course they will need to sign a confidentiality agreement and be issued with a user ID.


How frequently do we need to meet?

Depending upon which program you select, the meeting will be held at your business on a Fortnightly, Monthly or Quarterly basis. The meetings are scheduled for a minimum of 2 hours per fortnight or 3 hours per month/quarter
The meetings are scheduled at a time and day that is operationally efficient for the business owner.


What happens if the Profit and Value Improvement target is not met?

Obviously we will be tracking the Improvement target from Day 1, so it will be closely monitored and assessed at each meeting. Should the target not be achieved by the end of the contracted period and provided you have met your obligations, we will refund the total of the fees paid to us on the 2nd anniversary of the contract commencing.


If I sell my business, does the new owner pick up from where I left off?

The new owner would need to enter into an agreement with us on terms and conditions prevailing at the time. New Business Value & Profit Improvement Targets would need to be set to ensure the objectives are being achieved.


What happens at the end of the initial 2 year period?

All Hospitality based businesses are dynamic and require sustained and ongoing analysis and review. It is our intention to offer all clients a renewal option which will offer continued professional support with the appropriate Business Value & Profit Improvement Targets being set.


Can I tell other businesses about Menu mbers services?

Within the scope of the confidentiality agreement, you are permitted to tell other business about our services, we are NOT permitted to discuss your business with any other party. To assist you in discussing our services, we will offer you a financial incentive for each business you introduce to us who sign up to a Menu mbers package